Air fryer Best Scalloped Potatoes

Cooking scalloped potatoes in an air fryer can transform this classic comfort dish into an easy and healthier culinary delight. The air fryer, a relatively recent kitchen innovation, has gained popularity for its ability to cook food quickly and evenly, using significantly less oil than traditional frying methods. This is particularly advantageous for scalloped potatoes, which typically require long baking times in an oven to achieve their perfect creamy texture and golden-brown top layer.

One of the primary benefits of using an air fryer for scalloped potatoes is the reduction in cooking time. Traditional oven-baked scalloped potatoes can take upwards of an hour to cook, whereas the air fryer can cut this time almost in half without compromising on taste or texture. The rapid circulation of hot air ensures that the potatoes cook evenly, resulting in a consistent crispiness that is often difficult to achieve in a conventional oven.

Additionally, the air fryer offers a healthier cooking alternative. Traditional scalloped potatoes are often laden with butter and cream, making them a decadent but calorie-heavy dish. The air fryer method requires less oil, reducing the overall fat content while still delivering on flavor. This means you can enjoy a lighter version of this beloved dish without sacrificing the rich, creamy taste that makes scalloped potatoes so irresistible.

Scalloped potatoes have a rich history, with roots tracing back to European cuisine. The dish has evolved over centuries, becoming a staple in many households due to its comforting, hearty nature. For many, scalloped potatoes are synonymous with family gatherings and holiday feasts. In my own family, scalloped potatoes have always been a highlight of our Thanksgiving dinner, a recipe passed down through generations. The aroma of bubbling cheese and tender potatoes signals the start of the holiday season, evoking cherished memories of togetherness and tradition.

Essential Ingredients and Preparation Tips
Crafting the perfect air fryer scalloped potatoes starts with selecting the right ingredients, each playing a pivotal role in the dish’s overall flavor and texture. The cornerstone of this recipe is the Yukon Gold potatoes. Known for their naturally creamy texture and buttery flavor, these potatoes ensure that every bite of your scalloped potatoes is delightfully smooth and rich. When selecting Yukon Golds, look for firm, unblemished potatoes with a golden hue. Avoid any that have green spots or sprouts, as these can affect the taste and quality of the dish.

Fresh cream is another essential component, adding a luxurious richness to the dish. Opt for heavy cream, as its high fat content lends a velvety consistency that elevates the potatoes’ creamy layers. If you’re looking for a lighter alternative, you can substitute with half-and-half, but be mindful that this will slightly alter the texture and flavor.

Cheese, particularly sharp cheddar, is indispensable in this recipe. Its robust flavor complements the mildness of the potatoes, creating a harmonious balance. You might also consider blending in some Gruyère or Parmesan for added depth and complexity. When it comes to cheese, freshly grated is always preferable to pre-shredded varieties, which often contain additives that can affect melting.

Onions and garlic add aromatic undertones that enhance the overall taste profile. Thinly slicing the onions ensures they meld seamlessly with the potatoes, while minced garlic infuses a subtle yet distinct flavor. For those who enjoy a bit of a kick, a pinch of nutmeg or black pepper can provide a gentle warmth.

Crafting the Perfect Creamy Sauce
Creating the ultimate air fryer scalloped potatoes hinges on the quality of the creamy sauce that envelops the potato slices. The process begins with making a roux, a classic culinary technique that forms the base of many sauces. Start by melting butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Once the butter is fully melted and begins to bubble, add an equal amount of flour, stirring constantly with a whisk to combine. The goal is to cook this mixture until it reaches a light golden color, which typically takes about 2-3 minutes. This step is crucial, as it develops a subtle nutty flavor that will enhance your sauce.

Gradually add fresh cream to the roux, pouring in small amounts while continuously whisking. This method prevents lumps from forming, ensuring a smooth and velvety texture. Continue to add the cream slowly, allowing each addition to fully integrate before pouring more. Once all the cream is incorporated, let the sauce simmer gently for a few minutes to thicken. Be cautious not to overcook the sauce; it should be creamy, not too thick, to coat the potatoes evenly without becoming gloopy.

To elevate the flavor profile, incorporate grated parmesan cheese into the sauce. The parmesan will melt into the creamy base, adding a rich and savory depth. Additionally, diced ham can be stirred into the mixture, providing a delightful contrast in texture and a hint of smokiness. Both ingredients work synergistically to enhance the overall taste, making your air fryer best scalloped potatoes an unforgettable dish.

Assembling and Air Frying to Perfection
Creating the ultimate air fryer scalloped potatoes involves a meticulous assembly process that ensures each bite is perfectly balanced and flavorful. Begin by arranging a single layer of thinly sliced potatoes in the basket of your preheated air fryer. The key to achieving the best scalloped potatoes is to layer the slices uniformly, ensuring that no piece is significantly thicker than the others. This promotes even cooking and prevents any parts from being underdone.

Once the first layer is set, pour a portion of the creamy sauce over the potato slices. This sauce is typically a blend of heavy cream, milk, garlic, and sometimes cheese, depending on your recipe. The sauce should be evenly distributed to coat each slice thoroughly. Continue layering the potato slices and adding the sauce until all ingredients are used up, making sure the topmost layer is well covered with the creamy mixture.

Preheating your air fryer is essential for achieving the best results. Set the temperature to 375°F (190°C) and allow it to heat up for a few minutes before inserting the basket. Cooking times can vary, but a general guideline is to air fry the scalloped potatoes for approximately 25-30 minutes. During this time, check periodically to ensure that the potatoes are cooking evenly. The goal is to achieve a golden, crispy top layer while ensuring the inside remains tender and creamy.

To check for doneness, insert a fork or a knife into the center of the dish. The potatoes should be soft and easily pierced. If the top hasn’t reached the desired level of crispiness, you can increase the temperature slightly for the last few minutes of cooking. Once done, let the scalloped potatoes rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld together.


  • 1kg Yukon Gold potatoes
  • 500ml fresh cream
  • 40g butter
  • 4 tbsp flour
  • 100g cooked ham
  • 100g parmesan
  • a bunch of chives


  1. Start by preparing the potatoes. You will wash and peel the potatoes and then, using a mandolin slicer or a sharp knife, thinly slice the potatoes into rounds. Aim for slices that are about 1/8 inch thick for even cooking.
  2. Let them rest in a bowl full of cold water until you are ready to use them, so they don’t go black.
  3. For the sauce, in a saucepan over medium heat melt the butter.
  4. Once melted, add the flour and whisk continuously to create a roux.
  5. Cook for 1-2 minutes until the mixture becomes a light golden colour.
  6. Gradually pour in the heavy cream, whisking constantly to avoid lumps.
  7. Continue to cook and whisk until the mixture thickens, forming a smooth and velvety sauce.
  8. You can now stir in the grated Parmesan cheese until it’s fully melted into the sauce.
  9. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If you’re adding diced ham, fold it into the sauce at this point for an extra savoury kick.

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