homemade cheese!


  • â–¢3 litre full cream milk, unhomogenised
  • ▢½ cup vinegar
  • â–¢1 tbsp salt


  • firstly, take 3 litre full cream milk. make sure the milk is unhomogenised or use any raw milk.
  • stir continuously and heat the milk until it turns lukewarm. the temperature of the milk should be approximately 45 degree celcius.

  • now turn off the flame and add ½ cup vinegar.
  • stir for exactly 25 seconds. do not over stir as the curd formed may break.
  • cover and rest for 20 minutes or until the curd is formed and whey separates completely.
  • drain of the curds over the colander and squeeze gently.
  • take the whey water and add 1 tbsp salt. stir well.
  • heat the water well, but do not boil. the temperature of the water should be approximately 80 degree celcius.
  • turn off the flame and drop in squeezed curds.
  • stir and dip in hot water for 5 times. squeeze gently removing excess water.
  • again dip in hot water for 5 times.
  • continue this step until the curds turn cheesy and smooth.

  • do not over stretch as the cheese turns rubbery.
  • dip in ice-cold water and rest for 2 minutes. this helps to set the cheese completely.
  • wrap the cheese in cling wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  • finally, mozzarella cheese is ready to use for 1 week when refrigerated.

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