Raspberry jam and cream puffs

Raspberry jam and cream puffs to take to sons tomorrow. Used ready rolled puff pastry.

Cut into rectangles and baked in airfryer. 180 for about 8-10 mins. You will see when they are done so just keep your eye on them.

Left to cool then added jam and cream and put a lid on. Also a couple of misshapen ones for myself with blackcurrant jam. Cos I love it 😋😋 lol

Raspberry jam and cream puffs

Raspberry jam and cream puffs to take to sons tomorrow. Used ready rolled puff pastry.

Cut into rectangles and baked in airfryer. 180 for about 8-10 mins. You will see when they are done so just keep your eye on them. Left to cool then added jam and cream and put a lid on. Also a couple of misshapen ones for myself with blackcurrant jam. Cos I love it 😋😋 lol

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